
Work/life balance is a term that has come into place and it’s a good thing it has.

When people juggle life responsibilities the last person they tend to take care of is themselves. If you’ve ever been on an airplane you’ve heard the direction about putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others. Unfortunately, this is the only place that some people take this advice! People also speak about “giving from the overflow”. Make sure your cup is full before you give to others. For some, this can be very difficult due to the number of tasks or responsibilities they already have ownership of. Life has a way of sitting people down when they don’t tend to their own needs. This just means that our bodies know when enough is enough even when our thoughts do not. Learning how to take care of ourselves is not rocket science, however, sometimes it takes some help or direction from others to get our focus on ourselves.

The lack of self-care can lead to emotional and physical ailments which are preventable. I know there are some saying, “it’s not that I don’t want to take care of myself”, or “I don’t want to do all of these things, I have to”. Trust me, we understand. It can be as simple as putting a few things in place that were not there before, or re-prioritizing your to-do list. We can help you put the pieces together, so they make sense for you and help you take time for yourself.  

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